Highest Rated Comments

redmoped1 karma

Oh yes, the Otis! I noticed that. Well, 3 cheers to budget constraints, sometimes they create something special and unachievable with big or endless budget. Thanks for the reply, and for remembering me, too! Rand's getting quite a lot of press here in town for Obduction. Can't wait to see that released. Its been a big year for you two!

redmoped1 karma

Hi Robyn, Nick Thomas here, in Spokane, I really enjoyed your new film. I was wondering why you chose to incorporate so many scenes from Spokane and yet present the film as set in Portland? I actually thoroughly enjoyed the melding of the two cities, myself, and have always claimed to sense a strange connection between the two.

redmoped1 karma

Also, I noticed an emphasis on mystery in the film. Specifically, we don't know what happened to Augustus exactly, or if he was really who he claimed. There seems to have always been an effort in your projects, whether Myst, or Riven, or TIAG, to not tie up the endings of your stories in a neat bow, that is, you leave the endings quite vague. Some people might find this more frustrating than enjoyable or stimulating. Does this stem from any personal philosophy? Thanks!