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rei_cirith221 karma

Was there issues with looting in Hong Kong?

rei_cirith184 karma

Having autonomy without an independent army to guard it is exactly what lead Hong Kong to where it is. A police state that's not autonomous at all.

rei_cirith12 karma

How often do you meet people that massively undercut their actual achievements?

rei_cirith12 karma

You could technically say that about Trump. He won, and is still flipflopping on policy, and also had no idea what he's talking about on many current issues.

rei_cirith9 karma

How did you all meet?

How do you fight that imposter syndrome? Every time I'm not 100% on my game it creeps in again. As a woman in a male dominated field I feel pressure to be stellar to 1) represent the gender, 2) not feel judged.

I had never ever felt discriminated until I've had one experience with an extremely toxic team that actively excluded me because I'm not "one of them." And the professor I made a complaint to literally just said he understood where they were coming from and that I should just smile and ask for help and I'll win them over. Now when I get emails asking me not for technical expertise, but to read test status/data storage location off a spreadsheet that's accessible to all, I can't help but wonder whether I'm getting these emails because I'm a woman, or because they think it's my job title is "secretary" and not "analyst". It's taken me years to build up the spine to stop bending over backwards to be helpful and just send auto-responses with a link to the spreadsheet. What other strategies do you gals have to set interpersonal boundaries professionally.