Highest Rated Comments

renunga57 karma

Can you reaveal how your ordinary day looks like? Is there any bussines plan or at least an idea you’d like to start but you don’t have enough time or power? If you could change only one thing in the world, what would it be? Many times you were speaking about beeing artistic. Can you reaveal your favorite art-period, artists, artwork. Which collours are your favorite and which medium? What was the last exibithion you visited?

renunga47 karma

Why do you think does the tennis ball have a fur?

renunga26 karma

According to SaYes - is there anything more (beside the donation), what can fans do to help? The charity has really good visions and it’s worth for support.

renunga2 karma

You were really very impressive in Streetcar named desire - was there any highpoint in your performace which you enjoyed most? In one part of the play you were jumping over from one stage’s platform to another above the audience, were you affraid that if Mrs. Kirby would be late you can’t do it (‘cause It didn’t look very safe on the high heels)?

renunga2 karma

Two performances per day, lots of monologues it means cca 6 hours of talking… how did you prepare your voice for such a burden?