Highest Rated Comments

rilie59 karma

Is there any changes that were made after the accident(ie. safety policies or regulations) that are still in affect today? Over all hoe has this incident affected your job and your mindset about the job?

rilie5 karma

ah that sucks, just run off into the woods with your blubber nuggets and your life would be set.

rilie2 karma

Are blubber nuggets good? Do you get to do what ever the hell you what whenever the hell you want, or do you keep a job and go to school like everyone else?

rilie2 karma

Did you play any sports, or want to play any sports when you wee younger? Also, how long did it take for your foot to point the right way and look normal? Is there surgeries to make it look more like the other one?

rilie1 karma

So your eyes shake more when you are trying to focus, or is it just a random thing? Is there anything you can do to prevent it/ make it stop?