Highest Rated Comments

ripkif3182 karma

Thanks for doing this AMA Mr. Lewis! I always look forward to your emails. Although I have come across some of the facts from your emails before, it's always fun to go back and have an "Oh yeah!" moment. Now for my question: Whenever I come across something interesting, is there a way I can send it to you for use in a future issue? Or for example, if you get many emails with ideas from subscribers, there could be an annual user submitted stories with links going out to other articles on the Internet or a special page in your archives? (and sorry for the formatting as this was written on my phone)

ripkif3182 karma

I'm not sure how well you remember it but at Electric Zoo 2012 you guys came to the crowd after the set and I got to shake your hand and got absolutely drenched in champagne. Just wanted to thank you for one of the best experiences of my life.

What is your favorite show/festival you guys ever played at?

ripkif3181 karma

Do you have any proof?