Highest Rated Comments

riversandstreams5 karma

Your songs feature a lot of great instrumental intros, “California” “Love Without Fear”, “FNT” “Never You Mind.”

Any songwriting insights on how to do that?

riversandstreams2 karma

What was your contribution to the song, “Na Na Nothing” by Mike Doughty?

riversandstreams1 karma

I remember seeing a video of you working on your songwriting with a lot of 3 x 5 index cards, what role do they they play in your creative process?

riversandstreams1 karma

While you were learning how to become a comedian how did you find the strength to get past all the negative people who told you that you were wasting your time and would never make any money?

riversandstreams0 karma

Do you stand by your prior statement, that you think that undiscovered musicians just aren't "good enough" or "ready" for success yet?