Highest Rated Comments

rm-rfstar24 karma

So proud of you and THANK YOU for all of your hard work!

Who are your role models? What inspires you?

rm-rfstar23 karma

The hardest part of doing the right thing is that sometimes you do it all by yourself. Thank you for sticking with it. The city needs you and is grateful even when they don't communicate that very well or often.

How do most officers handle the stress? How much do you see alcoholism, divorce, domestic violence, gambling, suicide, etc as a consequence of your jobs daily exposure to the very worst behavior of humankind?

I believe that it must take a very specific set of skills, personality traits and self-control to not forget the humanity of those you serve. How do you do it? How do your fellow officers do it? Do you talk to each other about the way this job has changed your view of people? Are there support systems in place to help with the effects of your experiences or are you all on your own?

Source: Husband is a retired officer from Warren and managed to deal pretty well with the experience, but has stories of others who were not so fortunate. It is not an easy thing to show up where more often than not you are going to have to meet and manage people who are already pissed off. Thank you for your service.

rm-rfstar6 karma

I find it impossible to believe that one teenage prankster wouldn't decide to mess with us!

Hmmm ...

Looking at current events and having some knowledge of how the Sims (game) work, maybe they have!

rm-rfstar1 karma

Great story! How was your sex life?

rm-rfstar1 karma

I believe that once you rise to the top of the world on a skill set it sets you up to want to achieve that same success in other areas of life.

What else are you good at and does your success with cubes lead you to other goals?