Highest Rated Comments

rmsy2233 karma

I'm sorry for your loss :( My dog died a few years ago, as well. I love dogs because they're so blissfully simple, yet so personal and powerful in one's life. They don't fight wars for power, they don't savagely throw off real people for their own cause. They love and they play, and they bring immeasurable joy into a person's life. They're oblivious to politics, global conflict, and world crises, and there's something beautiful about that.

EDIT: Thank you for the Gold. I'm awed daily by the graciousness of strangers on the Internet.

rmsy1153 karma

You need to marry Ron Swanson.

rmsy433 karma

That video makes me sick, but those people are all so kick-ass. Literally within seconds you can see people running over to care for the wounded and get debris (fences, flags, etc.) out of the way, and then you can hear sirens no more than sixty seconds later. Then there's also the people who finished the marathon undeterred (many of whom kept running to a nearby hospital to give blood--so many people that the Red Cross eventually started turning away blood donors). That all makes me so freaking proud of my fellow citizens. No act of terror can outshine that.

To quote Mr. Rodgers:

When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.'

rmsy320 karma

I don't know what just happened...

rmsy282 karma

Man, possibly the most heartwarming answer of all. Really paints life on earth as a daily journey for humanity.