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roboteatingrobot5 karma

As a writer who has already graduated from the academic world, how can I tell if any of my writing is actually improving at a reasonable rate? Are the beats and characters of this story really any better than the last? Screen writing competitions don't seem like anything more than gambling that the judge reading your script is into the same genres you are. Writing groups often lack serious writers an are more of a safe haven to hobbyists. Where can we writers find honest mentors and writing groups for our 'aspiring' skill level?

roboteatingrobot3 karma

Thanks for the honest info! I'm doing my best to better myself at screenwriting while having the extreme pleasure of working as a Grip and Camera Operator to pay the bills! Thank you again!

roboteatingrobot2 karma

I'm currently working on a short film about class division between ancient humans who have moved into android bodies vs their android slaves and android rights. Is this a topic that will have to be considered when people can move their minds to digital formats?

roboteatingrobot2 karma

Thanks for the insight! Know anyone who would be interested in seeing such a cool little movie get made?

roboteatingrobot1 karma

I was first exposed to a later edition that contained the final chapter. Its funny how after several years a book can still leave an impression. Thanks for the good conversation!