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rodfisher166 karma

I'm going to hold off on deciding that until I actually grow up.

rodfisher104 karma

If I were starting again I would use Unity. All my games were made using GameStudio. It's important to use software that has good forum support from your peers (read teenagers). Just pretend you're one of them. They may never suspect. Sometimes, I found, even tho I coded something that worked, someone on the forum would show me another beautiful way to do the same thing. Yes, coding can be beautiful.

rodfisher101 karma

I created Pearl Harbor Encounter in about three days. But I had much of the code already from Quack Shoot. On the other hand, Territory: The Mountain Men took about three years.

My favorite game is Sid Meier's Pirates.

My computer is too wimpy to play any new games.

Secret: I take naps.

rodfisher68 karma

I enjoyed being a traveling musician playing in lounges all over the Westen states and Alaska during the 60's and 70's.

rodfisher62 karma

Oh, Joel, you unwittingly put me on my soapbox. You just can't ask that question of someone from the Amiga era without getting locked into a week-long discussion. But in a nutshell: Microsoft's dominance in marketing put Commodore out of business and set the progress of computing back 10 years. It was the saddest day. I still miss the multi-tasking of the Motorola chip even wimpy as it was compared to today's processors. I could do everything I do now on my Amiga 4000. It just took hours instead of seconds for the 25 Mhz processor and the 2 Mb of ram to get it done.