Highest Rated Comments

rougegorge20 karma

Hello Mr. Dorn! How deep will The Worf Chronicles explore the not always so smooth realpolitik-ish alliance between the Klingon Empire and the United Federation of Planets? Will the tensions and differences in values be reflected between character interactions or more as a subtle part of the storyline? What's your take on the alliance?

rougegorge9 karma

Thank you! I like how fresh this sounds!

rougegorge7 karma

We recently launched http://OpenDataKosovo.org as a non-profit that collects, hosts, and distributes government and non-government data. We are software engineers and computer scientists (just 3 of us for now) so we also implement APIs to access that data and prototype apps that showcase how transparency and accountability can be promoted with digital solutions. Which organizations do you recommend we get in touch with from which we could learn from their experience and garner support?

rougegorge3 karma

That's good to hear because one doesn't necessarily imagine friendship when reading you guys going at each other. I'm happy to know that I can now have you both over for dinner without having to worry about seating arrangements.

rougegorge3 karma

Prof. Sachs, it's always fascinating to read the endless retorts you and William Easterly have on the subject of development economics. Aside from what we're exposed to in numerous essays, how would you describe your relationship with him?