Highest Rated Comments

ruffian709 karma

♥ Welcome Adrian! About The Lonely Whale project (which I love)....will it be fairly easy to find the whale based on the frequency? And do you know he is still alive?

ruffian705 karma

At any moment did you think...hmmm...maybe Elvis?

ruffian704 karma

Try Two Dots. It's simple and addictive.

ruffian704 karma

...And you worked with Norah Jones, who is Ravi Shankar's daughter. Full circle.

ruffian703 karma


  1. Do you know for certain if 52 is male?
  2. Is there a team of divers and photographers that will capture his image and sound under the water when you find him?
  3. If he has mated (miraculously!) could his offspring now have his same 52 Htz frequency?