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sDotAgain2 karma

My bearded dragon has been looking at me menacingly recently and is often very snide. How long until he takes over my house?

sDotAgain2 karma

I am aware that women do not walk around with exposed breasts at Faires, but some of them do walk around showing extreme cleavage. Since I haven’t been to a Faire in over 20 years, the only two things I know about them are boobs and turkey legs. I apologize if my question offended you.

sDotAgain1 karma

Hey Nick, I don't have a question, only an apology. You were in PA at the Tower theatre about a year ago, and I heckled you during your bit. My bad. I was really drunk.

sDotAgain-1 karma

Hey how are ya?

sDotAgain-2 karma

So where do you want me to tickle you?