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sadcoffee7 karma

I can answer this from the Jewish half: Most Jews do not want to integrate because they are afraid of assimilation and the loss of the Jewish identity. It is 2013, and mixed marriages are only just becoming acceptable in the American Jewish culture. By 'mixed' marriage, I mean Jew/non-Jew, not necessarily your skin color.

Edit: I hit submit too soon. I know a lot of rabbis will not perform a 'mixed' marriage ceremony, and the ones that do will add a stipulation that any children should be raised/taught the Jewish faith & traditions.

I don't know if I have an opinion on all of that. It's not a situation I am in.

I have heard there are times when the non-Jewish parent is the one who has a bigger hand in teaching the children Jewish customs and cultures.

sadcoffee7 karma

More attempts at restorative justice, in my opinion, would make the world's a better place. Especially when dealing with young people who know what they are doing is wrong, but don't fully comprehend the consequences of their actions.

sadcoffee3 karma

What is the difference between forgiveness and reconciliation? Honest question, not being a troll. I just always thought your forgave, or you didn't.

sadcoffee3 karma

Thank you. I appreciate your kindness and your answer. Shana tovah!