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saiph204 karma

Speaking of, I know some flight attendants receive training in how to spot victims of sex trafficking. Do you receive similar training? How would you proceed if you suspected human trafficking might be an issue?

saiph3 karma

Do bitewing x-rays (and other intraoral x-rays) hurt most patients? I had x-rays taken yesterday and mentioned to my partner later that the roof and floor of my mouth were a little sliced up from biting down on the vertical film/holder/sensor. He looked at me like I was absolutely crazy and said "that never happens, what are you talking about?" I thought it was normal because it always happens to me, even with my favorite hygienist who is super gentle with cleanings??? But apparently the film actually fits into the mouths of adult humans like my partner?!?!? Sorry for the interrobangs, but this has absolutely blown my mind. I had always found it kinda weird that dental practitioners were blase about asking me to suppress the urge to avoid pain and bite down despite the sharp edges, but I figured it was unavoidable discomfort, everyone winds up with cuts from x-rays, and I should just suck it up while the practitioner moseys over to the button. Does this not happen to everyone? Does my partner have a giant mouth? Do I just have a small mouth? Is there anything I can do to mitigate it, like asking for a different angle or a child-sized holder or something?

saiph3 karma

Thanks! I'll continue to suck it up and be jealous of my partner.

Congratulations on your new games!

saiph2 karma

Have you ever encountered some people who just can't wear contacts even after trying a wide variety of brands and styles, or who can't wear contacts without discomfort after a few hours? Is this actually a thing? Why does this happen?

saiph2 karma

Did you go into stripping with any knowledge of erotic dancing, or was it all stuff you learned on the job? Did you have to audition?