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samacerothstein5 karma

Just always been curious how often boyfriends ask that of women who wear uniforms (e.g., hooters girls, cheerleaders, cops, etc.)

samacerothstein2 karma

Would you be amenable to having sex in your uniform? Not in a creepy, I'll tip you extra to do it kind of way, but in a hey we've been dating awhile now - can we try... something...?

samacerothstein2 karma

Has anyone you've had sex with while employed there asked you to have sex in your uniform?

samacerothstein2 karma

Here's a semi unethical life hack I usually suggest: Imply that there were medical concerns. Any interviewer worth their salt will stay away from that question for fear of being labeled as discriminatory. Flip side is, that I, as an interviewer, may find some other "reason" (e.g., cultural fit) not to hire you if I have concerns as to why you were sick enough to miss years of work. But you run that risk with any reason you may proffer.