Highest Rated Comments

sandollars357 karma

Wait... Like get the hell out of here to over there please?

Yes, like that. Happened quite a bit.

These are some of the more well-known cases:

sandollars69 karma

This is not a question, but a cautionary note:

Don't just use this AMA to sell your book. Many have tried, and most fail. Answers like "you can read all about that in my book" will bring downvotes in spades. Respect our time and efforts please, and we will do likewise.

sandollars52 karma

Mr. Thrun has mentioned in interviews that Sal Khan and Khan Academy inspired him.

He watched Sal Khan's TED talk where he mentioned he was reaching millions and Thrun felt embarrassed (probably not the right word) that his own Stanford classes were only a few dozen students every year. This inspired him to explore ways to reach a wider audience and impact more lives.

sandollars41 karma

Databases. Please.

I started http://db-class.org/ when it first came out and promptly fell asleep.

sandollars3 karma

Works fine from Fiji.