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sara5207 karma

i'm a little disappointed in this as i was hoping that #Decker existed within the MCU, meaning that one day Decker and Kington would join the Avengers, but I guess I can still dream.

sara5204 karma

Hey there, why do you guys think numbers have become so important in music reviewing? Scores, rankings etc...shouldn't the focus be more about the writing?

sara5201 karma

hello there porter- where do you see yourself within the spectrum of electronic music? i know that you're trying to distance yourself from the #edm "movement" but i often see you alongside many of the artists that i would consider to be part of that category in concert lineups, etc. i'm really interested in hearing more of your new music because of this! (also, i asked my friend what i should ask you, and she wants to know what your 3ds friend code is...)

sara5201 karma

ROSTAM!!! I'm currently at target and I didn't know you were doing an AMA so I had no time to prepare!!! But I want you to know that I love you and your music! Are you enjoying being back in NYC for a while?