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scared_of_dogs1 karma

Can you speak to the gender gap in the technology sector and how Hyperloop One is different? What are some methods that you are using to combat this gender gap in your own company?

Will all Hyperloops be made of expensive metals? Is this practical from a cost savings point of view? Why is mag lev the future? Why not just improve high speed wheels?

Since his announcement of constructing a Hyperloop, do you view Elon Musk as a competitor?

scared_of_dogs1 karma

*Who is the craziest person at Hyperloop One?

*Which one of the managers (Helen, Kim, Brandon, Irfan) has a management style most similar to Michael Scott?

*Do you get a lot of quirky perks like other tech companies?

scared_of_dogs1 karma

How do vacuum costs compare with costs associated by overcoming aerodynamic drag? i.e. Do aerodynamic drag costs outweigh vacuum system construction and operation costs?