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schlitzer90820 karma

How long did it take you to learn how to maneuver in zero gravity? Are you much better at it now than when you originally came aboard the ISS?

schlitzer905 karma

What is the scientific concept that you find easy enough to understand, but have the most difficulty explaining to others?

schlitzer903 karma

Sorry that I missed this AMA, for some reason my boss is "against not working so you can Reddit."

How prevalent is PTSD among infantry soldiers vs. other MOS. Infantrymen face the most combat, and logically should suffer from the most PTSD, but what are the rates and causes behind it for people who do other jobs, and even serve in branches that are not as "up close and personal" such as on a plane or ship?

schlitzer903 karma

You didn't include Puddle Cruiser in your list of movies. Colgate represent!