Highest Rated Comments

scijourno7 karma

I am a science journalist with a PR and copywriting background. Can I help GT Starter scientists craft compelling pitches/messages for the site? I am in love with concept, think GT Starter is great, and I want to help.

scijourno4 karma

From where do you assert morals originate, and what do you provide as evidence?

scijourno3 karma

Have you gotten much coverage, local or otherwise? The Matt Shipman/SciLogs alerted me of this AMA.

scijourno3 karma

Can you describe the experiment design for inducing that oxytocin can be a morals originator? I assume that is several experiments, so just a few specifics of one or two experiments is definitely an understandable response.

scijourno2 karma

Not OP, just wanted to say that is what write-UPS are for...the scientists tell the would-be funders why. I mean, plenty of voters to find science in the government don't know either. Here you just lobby in a different form to a different crowd.