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scotchy9179 karma

Just wait until you hear about Facebook's future social credit system. Where if you post things you shouldn't, people on Linkedin won't hire you!

scotchy9138 karma

Hi Alexey,

I'm curious if you know anything about Cambridge Analytica or any sister/offshoot data targeting companies and any potential connections to Russia's global goal of electing far-right candidates in the majority of the world. Does Steve Bannon ever make his way to Moscow?

scotchy9124 karma

This Channel4 segment is pretty revealing if you haven't seen it: https://www.channel4.com/news/cambridge-analytica-revealed-trumps-election-consultants-filmed-saying-they-use-bribes-and-sex-workers-to-entrap-politicians-investigation

Robert Mercer's family funded C.A. and Steve Bannon was the Vice President of the board around the same time he was working with Breitbart. C.A. also targeted the UK via funding Leave.EU campaign. They're at the heart of many elections at this point.

scotchy914 karma

First of all, thank you so much for your work. You are saving lives, and I'm sorry our leadership is failing us. This is what I've noticed, and unfortunately as a millennial I never realized my parents were Republicans until after I voted for Obama. I realized there's a whole nation of people who had been disadvantaged by Republican leadership, yet continuing to vote for them out of blind faith. Something that religions and politicians utilize of the human psyche to elicit feelings of trust and familiarity. "Trust me," Trump says, "I'm the hero."

It's heartbreaking that it had to come to a pandemic for people to see the problems with our society at large, but I genuinely hope it brings about the changes we need to advance morally and ethically moving forward. Public safety is a matter of national security at this point due to containment issues and lack of funding/infrastructure capacity.

Humans are born into families, sharing and working together. Why do we then alienate each other, spending half our waking life under autocrats for austerity? Selfishness got us here, and the only way we get out is thinking for everyone but ourselves. Again, thank you for your work and your time. I hope you find peace and rest when you can.

scotchy914 karma

99% of all cattle farming relies mostly on corn/soy feed ( accounting for 1/3rd of total US consumption of Corn), which isn't as sustainable for maintaining healthy soil as grass-fed diets. This enlarges their water-footprint, and leads to habitat degradation through the increased amount of chemicals/pesticides to grow the crops they eat. So not only does each cow have a carbon foot-print, so does their food. Your average cow also shits about 120lbs a day, and that manure based on a corn-fed diet pollutes groundwater elsewhere. Especially in places without proper irrigation.

Source: https://www.watercalculator.org/water-use/water-footprint-beef-industrial-pasture/