Highest Rated Comments

secondchoiceusername595 karma

They would have more £1000's from the submitters?

secondchoiceusername90 karma

Yes, I always imagined it as an all or nothing kind of thing.


secondchoiceusername84 karma

I was always under the impression that quadriplegic couldn't use their arms.

As I'm sure there are lot's of people out there like me can you explain a little more about the differences as I honestly have no idea when someone says I'm X-plegic what it means.

secondchoiceusername39 karma

You urgently need to sort out your banner it's 1.4 MB's. Just turn it into a jpg with 98% quality and you'll save your 90% of that space and make it at least 3 seconds quicker to load.

If someone else doesn't hit you up locally let me know and I'll point you in the right directions but that could be 10 times better with very little work.

secondchoiceusername2 karma

and I consider spoiling your ballot as wasteful as not voting

I think this is a serious mistake on your behalf. Spoiling a ballot means you are engaged with the voting system but you do not wish to vote for any of the candidates. It it nothing like not voting at all and as a politician you can take it as a personal failing that you have failed to capture their vote.