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secretaltacc2 karma

Why do I get the feeling no one would give a shit if they were white? I mean not to be so gruesome but...they're dead. It's been this long and no one noticed, why make such a big deal about it other than the fact that they were slaves? Usually I see comments on Reddit like "Hell who cares, once I'm dead just throw me in the wood chipper" buuuut because of the slave aspect for some reason we should act differently..?

secretaltacc1 karma

Who said anyone was ignoring it? It simply faded away like most things in history. Maybe no one wanted to focus on how poorly blacks were treated and then you go bringing it all rushing back at a time when tensions between whites and blacks are back to an all time high in the states. All you're doing is further pushing a wedge into America. No one will ever heal if everyday someone finds something to shove into the news spotlight that basically results in "LOOK HOW BAD AND RACIST WHITE PEOPLE BE BACK THEN"

Should we ignore our history? No. Are Americans really ever going to forget slavery if we don't have people yelling at us, reminding us about it every 5 minutes? No.

secretaltacc1 karma

Did...did you read my very last sentence..?

secretaltacc1 karma

Right those wrongs??

No that's where you lose me. Sorry. Don't believe in reparations. I was born in 1993 and fuck anyone who says I owe anyone anything. I've never owned a slave a day in my life and you know what? Most black people living in America right now have never been a slave.

Yeah, what happened was fucking shitty and they didn't deserve it. But did I have anything to do with it? No. So anyone who wants to get in my face asking for money, simply for me being white, can fuck right on outta here. Not to mention I barely make a living as it is, my black boss is doing pretty well for himself however. Without reparations mind you.

secretaltacc-5 karma
