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senseofdarkhumor15 karma

A communique has been read by protesters which has 7 sections.

First and the most important demand is: Gezi Park will remain as it is.

Also we want police voilence to stop. Everyone who is responsible from this violence should resign. And we want democracy.

Otherwise, the protests will continue.

senseofdarkhumor15 karma

I've seen a person lost his eye next to me by plastic bullet. It was brutal and too abrasive. But the worst part, he was doing nothing expect shouting slogans.

senseofdarkhumor12 karma

Actually, I use my real name twitter profile too. This is not an illegal protest, I will not behave like it is an illegal protest.

They can find me if they want. They internmented people for their twitter accounts, but they could do nothing. They arrested LAWYERS. Goverment is scared and dont know what to do, but i will not play by his rules as treating myself as a terrorist.

Thanks for your suggestion tho.

senseofdarkhumor10 karma

1)No. Goverment wants it to stop this protest, and media is trying to show that there are that kind of groups, but expect a few little incident, different groups which has completely different ideology are protesting together and peacefuly.

2)People are trying to motivate and calm down each other against the police voilence and other provocations. Passive resistance should be continue. As long as we don't give up and chance our peaceful stand, goverment will have no choice expect to settle.