Highest Rated Comments

shadowofahelicopter530 karma

I find it next to unbelievable more than one or two people will be graduating into these companies after one year in an unaccredited online program. I'm a grad student in computer science at a top 20 university, and my peers and I dream of just getting interviews at these companies. Unless they're going to be in some extremely low level role that doesn't actually have anything to do with data analytics, I don't buy any of this.

shadowofahelicopter66 karma

Thanks for doing the AMA. How far are you into filming Season 5 Part 2, and has Vince finished writing the finale yet? Are the first six episodes of the last eight as exciting as you were expecting and hoped it to be?

shadowofahelicopter21 karma

No you can't, there's barely any info on what the curriculum actually entails. You have four generic broad definitions for each quarter that doesn't explain at all what people will be actually learning. You have one major, data analytics and business intelligence, but no info on what the curriculum for it includes. I'm a grad student at a top 20 university in software engineering who does research with a professor in analytics and many of my classes crossover with our analytics program. I'm finding it next to unbelievable that you can teach the very broad field of data analytics in one year online and get your students hired at companies like Spotify and uber while my friends and I in grad school dream of just pulling in interviews at these companies after five years of experience from PhDs.

shadowofahelicopter21 karma

When I was a freshman in college, there was a girl that was 16 in both my Chem and bio labs. She wasn't just taking the classes, she was a full time student bio major and this was at a top 20 university. She was a special case and her mom visited her all the time in her dorm since she was underage, but the girl was brilliant so stuff like that does happen. It's not unheard of, it's just rare.

shadowofahelicopter19 karma

What does "industry practitioners" even mean? Do they have teaching experience or teaching certificates?