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shafiqde3 karma

Oh man! If you like that, and have time after this AMA, I think you'll love this piece from The Ringer about Julio Jones. For example, "Humility connotes a virtue. He sees no reason he should be commended. 'It wasn’t about being humble,' Jones says. 'It’s just how I am.'" https://theringer.com/julio-jones-atlanta-falcons-3fa47fb03461

shafiqde3 karma

Was there any unlikely source of inspiration while you were writing this book?

shafiqde2 karma

You said Penguin paid for your two books around the same time. Did you plan on using TMIL (the book you had to write) to leverage an audience for TOITW (the book you wanted to write)? Or did it just make more sense to release TMIL first?

shafiqde1 karma

I could talk about this topic for a very long time. While I have your attention, you signed my OITW book "May you face many obstacles in life." I'm sure you signed it that way for a lot of people. It's been a tumultuous/adventurous two years for me, but I've always stayed positive through all the changes. That quote frequently comes back to mind to keep me optimistic. Thank you for everything, Ryan.

shafiqde1 karma

Which makes sense since the Patriots require everyone to check their ego out at the door. The people that make their teams/organizations better are the ones that lead by example.