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shakamone23 karma

We are pretty excited about the plans going forward, facebook just announced $100M in game sales revenue in the first year which is amazing for devs who are on the fence about VR. We are focused on adding more value for developers and we see ourselves as the TestFlight of virtual reality. We have become known as the starting point for developers to gather feedback and prove their concept. I am doing everything i can to live up to that expectation.

shakamone15 karma

I see VR and AR becoming as ubiquitous as smart phones are today or even more so since they can be always on. They will replace smart phones, tvs, computers in the sense that all these devices can be replaced by virtual versions driven by cloud based infrastructure like shadow PC or similar.

shakamone8 karma

Hmm these are some really interesting ideas! Id love to chat in more detail about what you have in mind! With blanketworks I have used some paid assets to achieve it, but we could possibly come up with some other ideas!

As regards SideQuest releasing regular titles, this is really just a fun experiment to celebrate our birthday. I do hope we can be involved in or even run some future game jams because its a great way to get people involved.

shakamone6 karma

We would love to see it up there! I'm here to help any time you need me! Thanks for pioneering on this new frontier!

shakamone6 karma

Its hard to say there are so many now! Click "browse" at the top and anything on that first page is pretty amazing tbh. I love hyperdash, hand physics lab is a look at the future. Pavlov is a show stopper. Virtual desktop opens up a whole new world of possibilities. Deisim and tea for god are a must!