Highest Rated Comments

shazay5 karma

How is your sense of humor about all of this? Is anything "too soon" for you? I dated a nurse who was a caretaker for a quad. She explained digital stimulation when I was eating meat loaf. We're not together anymore. Ha!

shazay2 karma

Describe "distorted" please.

shazay2 karma

Its confusing and seems like one of the two choices would suffer from the other.

"You're the cop that's gonna arrest me for possession of XYZ, then hold signs protesting my arrest for XYZ? Super."

shazay1 karma

So you're saying "Do what you took the job for (busting the bad guys for breaking laws) AND speak your mind on the subject" is that accurate?

How do you justify that? How can a cop follow through with his/her training, perform search & seizure, recover X amount of marijuana (for example), arrest the individual, watch that individual go through arraignment/hearing/sentencing, and then turn around and say "But you know what? I don't think this is actually a crime." ? You'd lose all credibility.

shazay1 karma

Do you want to go get bbq and a beer together? I'm usually available on the weekends.

(You never know, she could say yes.)