Highest Rated Comments

sheddinglikeamofo169 karma

Hey Donald!! Loved you in scrubs, always there to make me laugh. Sorry if you've already answered this, or tired of being asked this. But what was your favorite part about your time on the show? Also, did Neil Flynn really improvise as much as people say he did? Just curious :) Thanks!

sheddinglikeamofo3 karma

are you single? ;] juuust kidding.

I am curious about the no daylight thing in Romania? What happened?

sheddinglikeamofo3 karma

holy crap. that's awesome!! do you want to travel again? where are you now? I could go on and on.

sheddinglikeamofo2 karma

have you made a phone call from the top?

sheddinglikeamofo2 karma

even better than a phone call!