Highest Rated Comments

shelbys_foot31 karma

What would you be writing about if you weren't writing obituaries?

shelbys_foot7 karma

Why did Live at Leeds turn out so well? Might be the best live rock album ever.

shelbys_foot2 karma

Everything about you and your culture sucks except maybe the food and the music created by blacks in response to the evils visited upon them."

Mississippi and Louisiana had a huge impact on the world's music. There aren't many genres that haven't been influenced by Delta Blues or New Orleans jazz.

shelbys_foot2 karma

Why doesn't the Democratic party make a bigger issue about tax avoidance and cheating by the wealthy due to the lack of enforcement of the tax laws? It seems to me it has been a long standing strategy of the GOP to shrink and hamstring the IRS, making cheating or using the 'grey areas' of the tax law with fewer investigations. Seems to me that people who earn paychecks, who don't get this tax avoidance opportunities would not take kindly to this cheating if it was brought to their attention.

shelbys_foot1 karma

Why aren't you (and for that matter the rest of the Democratic Party) beating up Trump on the looming insolvency of Social Security and Medicare? A campaign slogan along the lines of "The tax cuts for the wealthy are going to be paid for by cuts to your Medicare" might cause the Trump supporters over 65 to rethink their support for him.