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sheven30 karma

But I am focused less and less on psychedelics these days.

"If you get the message, hang up the phone." - Alan Watts

As someone else who has put the psychedelic life behind him, this message has always resonated with me.

sheven29 karma

Not OP and not trans myself, but Laverne Cox, the actress who plays the character you're speaking of is actually trans herself.

And a really cool fact that's slightly off topic: You know the scenes where she is pre-transition and we see her with her wife and with the guys she's working with but she still looks traditionally manly? That's because Laverne Cox has a twin brother who plays those scenes. And the OITNB people didn't even know this until after they cast her. Talk about good luck. Off topic, I know, but I always thought that was pretty cool.

sheven27 karma

It might be a bit of a long shot, but there's this performance troupe called Mortified that basically consists of adults reading from their own childhood journals and diaries. However, I watched the documentary they put out and I know a few of the members collect love letters and the like from others.

Like I said, it might be a long shot, but maybe someone there could help?


sheven11 karma

I'm interested in it because I think it's interesting. But it's not for me. Without getting too deep into it with a random reddit user, my brain much prefers the "sober" life nowadays.

Glad I experienced what I did but I know that it's not in my best interest anymore. I still fully support scientific research into it and legalization. But it's not for me.

sheven8 karma

No problem. Thank you. And your grandfather. Tell your grandfather that he was truly inspiring.