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shijjiri7 karma

Someone has a gun to your head, they're forcing you to take a drug of your choice and record an album. Which drug do you choose?

shijjiri6 karma

Thems fightin' words

shijjiri5 karma

Have you ever been concerned some of your sources are acting as a 'Limited Hangout'?

Sabu – real name Hector Xavier Monsegur - worked as an informant for the FBI and coopted the Hacktivist group LulzSec to launch cyber attacks on an unprotected database. They knew the information that would go public and held control over whether or not it ever could. Hammond fell into a honeypot and an elite hacking group worked to deliver controlled secrets. This is the very definition of a 'Limited Hangout' in action; small omissions designed to deter others from looking any closer. This is a real concern because it will work on a large number of folks and offer small missteps at the moment massive events are taking place.

Right now a hostile terrorist group named ISIS that acquired funding and weaponry by capitalizing the CIA proxy war initiative in Syria has laid claim to a large chunk of Iraq. Saudi Arabia is directly involved in this and has been working to pave a path for a US strike on Syria to overthrow Assad. Prince Bandar bin Sultan had been named in involvement with at least one plot in Syria by the rebels.

This isn't a secret, nor was it ever. It just takes someone watching many news sources and taking notes. I know that I'm not the only one who has noticed. That brings me on to my point:

There's a very large scale war in the making. It is not the work of evil dictators or irrational regimes. It is the machination of a collective that has their eyes on a prize. I would be somewhat shocked if Wikileaks had not received any information about this. It would seem highly probable that at this stage, someone was growing a guilty conscience.

If you have information that could stop this from happening, you hold hundreds of thousands of lives in your hands. Please don't sit on it until it's too late.

shijjiri5 karma

I've heard a few unusual discussions about an idea concerning a fission-fusion-fusion-(fission?) cycle of 1P + 6Li → 3He + 4He → 3He + 6Li chain of events is induced by placing two hemispheres of fusion fuel around a small, hot core of 239Pu, the whole of which is then further encased in two hemispheres of 238U to secure the fusion layer in place. Idea being that the 6Li shell between the 239Pu 238U instead of fast fusion you end up with a cycle of 1P + 6Li breeding 3He trapped then adjacent to the and 6Li and driving the cycle which produced charged particles directly that would eventually reach a the escape the 238U to a highly conductive metallic interface where it could be converted directly to current.

The concept itself seemed totally outlandish and it's outside my area of expertise but I was curious if radiation pressure induced aneutronic fusion as a means of creating charged particles rather than just heat could in fact work. I realize that the suggestion I'm proposing is (to my understanding) effectively a slow burning version of a nuclear bomb. I may have misunderstood part of the reaction chain or missed a step in the process (working from memory, sorry), It's the first time I'd ever heard of such a mechanism for a stable fusion reaction chain proposed and it really got me wondering.