Highest Rated Comments

sigrid27 karma

My girlfriend and I have watched GB dozens of times. Did Doris Roberts really pound that can of steel reserve? or was it water ?

sigrid26 karma

How often do you come up to the Cities ? My friend got a pic with you at a twins game or some shit. I live in WI just thought I would ask fucker

sigrid24 karma

She sounds like my grandma lol or like the scene from always sunny with Charlie's mom peering out the window talking about the arabs moving in next door.

sigrid23 karma

Whats has been your go to for booze over the years ? I live in Northern Wisconsin and my grandma loves baileys and brandy but sparingly now.

sigrid23 karma

I didn't look at your proof just came to ask are you that lady from The Twin Cities ? I think I saw you on the news best of luck dealing with the gov. I have to say his comment about you saying that "if she needs weed go find it on the street" was pretty horrible. He would rather have you and your family exposed to danger than help a citizen of the state there needs to be a change !!! Soon ! Best of luck to you !