Highest Rated Comments

sillstaw244 karma

Have you ever heard anything from Art Garfunkel or John Oates about your using their names?

sillstaw116 karma

I was wondering what you thought of these three jokes about you:

  1. The nightclub “and Jeremy Piven” on the fourth season of “Arrested Development”
  2. The Onion’s “NBC Cancels ‘Piven’ After 5 Seasons
  3. David Mamet’s claim that, after you dropped out of one of his plays due to mercury poisoning, that you would be pursuing a career as a thermometer.

sillstaw75 karma

Let's get the obvious joke out of the way: Did you ever consider casting Michael Cera as Jesse Eisenberg's double?

sillstaw39 karma

Have you seen any of the fictional depictions of Chernobyl ("S.T.A.L.K.E.R.," "Chernobyl Diaries")? What do you think of them?

sillstaw14 karma

What are your favorite and least favorite books/short stories/etc. to teach?

Also, I have to ask: How much of the overexplaining of what the author meant is based on your opinion, the curriculum, and/or actual things the author has said?