Highest Rated Comments

silverstar16108 karma

Getting a lead role on such a popular tv show as a woman in your sixties is an amazing thing considering how the entertainment industry tends to treat women over a certain age (and I wish that the media had taken more notice of it, especially as such a big deal was made of the fact that The Closer starred a woman in her forties). Do you feel that roles for women, and the way audiences react to female characters, is changing at all? And if so, why?

silverstar16108 karma

Hi Mary, thank you so much for doing this! Will we learn much about Sharon more as an individual, rather than just as a boss and as a mother-figure, in the upcoming seasons? I love her relationship with Rusty, but I'm dying to know more about Sharon herself as a woman - what makes her tick, what her likes and dislikes are, what her life is like away from the office, what her background is like and so on. It would be great to see her with a relationship or a friendship other than simply the one with Rusty, as that relationship is, quite rightly, focused almost solely on him.

silverstar16101 karma

It's wonderful indeed :)