Highest Rated Comments

sirblastalot240 karma

Well, it's their 1 year follow up. If you want to see the 10 year follow up you're going to have to wait.

sirblastalot60 karma

Do you think it would have made any difference in the Virginia Tech shooting if one or more people in that classroom had been carrying concealed?

EDIT: Do you believe it would have been better or worse if they had?

sirblastalot28 karma

I have a new lease starting in October, but I don't have to be out of the old place until the end of November. I'll probably be moving gradually over the course of the two months. At what point am I required to switch my registration?

sirblastalot22 karma

I may have to steal this line.

sirblastalot17 karma

I'm a little leery of your work, because of how accurately targeted to appeal to me it is. Obviously I don't expect you to recreate your entire work in a post on reddit, but could you please list the most compelling data you used to reach your conclusions?