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six_six_twelve182 karma

i was necessarily the dick

He means "wasn't."

six_six_twelve43 karma

Hello! I know I'm late and you may never read this.

I own the 96-lecture behemoth and am on lecture 61. Way back in one of the early lectures, you said that you'd be angry if a total solar eclipse came near and I didn't go. I know that you were talking to everyone who watches the lectures, but I was inspired.

Because of you, my 5-year-old daughter and I were there in Cairns for the latest eclipse. (We live near Melbourne, so it wasn't close exactly, but we went anyway.) I believe that you were on a boat, so I wasn't able to meet you, but I did send you an email.

I have no question at all. Just wanted to say that I enjoy the lectures and thanks for giving me the push to start my daughter on what I hope will be a lifelong love of science.