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sjp245188 karma

If I live in a country where sex is illegal but erotic massage is legal, and there are red light districts around major train stations, how can I get the service I want (pretty vanilla sexual experiences) without supporting a situation where woman who is being taken advantage of?

I would be one of the "good" customers who replies promptly to arrange a meeting, understands the transaction, is respectful, and leaves after getting what they need. The barrier between having never done it and doing it is quite large in my opinion. I don't want to support an oppressive industry, but I also want to get the release, if possible.

Also, how do I protect myself from being blackmailed, assaulted, robbed, or drugged before, during, and after the "transaction."

Thanks for your time!

sjp2452 karma

This is a great idea.

sjp2452 karma

Thanks for your reply! I'm hoping at the very least I enjoy the job and do it well for the year I'm expected to be there, and at the most I may completely fall in love with Japan and not want to leave!

sjp2452 karma

Thanks for doing this! I'm scheduled to start training with ECC in about two months and I'm pretty nervous! It's tough starting something new, and throwing in the the fact that it's in Japan adds to the challenge. My questions for your are: 1. What are the qualities that make certain ESL teachers great and others mediocre? 2. What are some of the biggest challenges facing ESL teachers on a day-to-day basis? 3. What are the biggest cultural taboos I might want to be aware of as an American going to work in Japan's teaching industry? 4. What are things I definitely want to avoid; things that might hurt my appearance or get me in trouble (in regards to teaching)?

Thanks again!

sjp2452 karma

Also, what makes good omiyage, in your opinion!?