Highest Rated Comments

skalp6922 karma

It seems that a third french company is implied: "Carbone Lorraine" (renamed "Mersen" in 2010).

Protec declared they had to save their jobs and they were greenlighted by several french state commercial regulators.

The two others deny everything.

From a french news article in 2013.

skalp6910 karma

send us your tips!

If we get some, what would be the best course to contact the ICIJ team?

skalp695 karma

I think there s a link: Weapons have been sent in quite random places for the Lybian insurgents to resist Ghadaffi's army. Then when the regime collapsed, the tuareg insurgents had free hands, time, weapons and had been long time oppressed in all the countries around (Morocco, Algeria, Mali, ...) so they launched revolution where no strong state army could crush them; that is Mali since Malian gvt refused new conditions from French gvt for military help (that is stopping Malian immigrants to go Europe).

skalp695 karma

Hello. Am I late at the party?

My question is Do you think globally, the articles blocked some money to be transfered in paradises? Or was it bad for Panama and good for others?

skalp694 karma

Are you having a jiggle?