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skinny_bitches2 karma

This comes across as a measured response, but is still ridiculous. How do you have any friends if you'd ask then to leave for smoking a joint?

skinny_bitches2 karma

This is an ill thought out idea. Many Indian towns do not even have a stable electricity grid. I can't imagine any rickshaw driver willingly doing it, without a massive incentive because gas is cheap, easy and available everywhere in India. Drivers don't go to gas stations. If your first focus was on solar for one small town, with the rickshaws coming later, it would make more sense. You haven't covered how you are going to ensure that power is stable and available.

Even if a few do convert, you are going to have huge problems, many drivers will use the 'initiative' and wire up their battery to the grid themselves.

You say in your spiel

Everyone was excited to convert to electric power. The problem was not technology or market demand.

I also feel like you have wrongly involved rickshaw drivers in this decision making process. Do you understand how to co-create and market research in India? It is a country where 'face' and 'group consensus' are very important. You will never get an accurate response to western style research. It's why many projects never get used after release. Ask potential users if they are interested in something, and they will always say yes, to avoid any embarrassment. They'll never actually maintain the interest after product launch though. I suggest you read Beyond Culture by Edward T Hall, to help understand this.

skinny_bitches1 karma

Alphonso mango is the most delicious fruit I have tried. Do you have a favourite?