Highest Rated Comments

slatedotcom34 karma

started the response in early January!

slatedotcom23 karma

I would say right now.

If you are in the US, that number of 70 confirmed cases is most likely a huge underestimate, as we have not been doing sufficient testing. Federal guidance is to work from home if possible. If not possible, take all precautions you can. Social distancing (can you stay 6 feet away from people at work?) washing your hands, not touching your face


slatedotcom16 karma

The latest study I have seen (by authors from NIH, CDC and Princeton) show that it lasts on surfaces up to 3 days. (less time on cardboard and copper, more time on plastics and steel)

slatedotcom14 karma

It is a good movie, so recommend watching for entertainment. I also think there are some aspects of it that are very educational (love that Kate Winslet explains R0), and there are some parts that feel very relevant to today (sitting in a coffee shop and realizing all of the opportunities for virus transmission.).
But there are some parts that are very much Hollywood - like self injecting an experimental vaccine. Also, the movie was based on a virus that had a much higher case fatality rate than COVID

slatedotcom13 karma

There are multiple models out there for how much of the population may become infected. These range from 10% to over 80%. These estimates, though, are directly related to how many social distancing measures are put in place and for how long

It appears that earlier reports of 're-infection' were really just people having a very long course of disease (or period of time when they are still testing positive). I think everyone is hoping that people who recover develop a natural immunity, but we are still waiting for additional scientific studies to confirm this, as well as to confirm how long such immunity might last. This will be critical information for the response