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sleepwhatsthat146 karma

You spoke during one of your shows a while back about learning lyrics to a Dead Kennedys song. You mentioned because of your age at the time your parents weren't too happy about it because of certain words contained in the lyrics. Do you recall which song? Also, do/did you listen to any other punk bands? Thanks for doing the AMA and keep up the good work on your show! Take care, Rachel.

sleepwhatsthat20 karma

Did you go to boot camp at Paris Island and if so did Full Metal Jacket do a good job replicating the environment? (Not so much having to do with the murder-suicide in the movie, but matching the overall feel/tone during the Vietnam years.)

sleepwhatsthat15 karma

And R. Lee Ermie was a drill instructor in the Marine Corps in real life, so he brought a degree of realism in it just from his background.

Good point. Thank you for the answer.

sleepwhatsthat14 karma

Rather than accept everything I am told or have read about a subject, I chose to learn about it firsthand.

Respect for that. A lot more people need to follow that example.

Were some of the members possibly cordial because they have more of a belief of "racial superiority" rather than a hatred of other races? I have seen the millitant types as well as the lo-key people who hold the beliefs but do not join organizations and not let it effect who they befriend.

sleepwhatsthat6 karma

Did you have connections to get the job with Playboy? Also, do employees such as yourself get to attend the Playboy Mansion parties?