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slug_man50 karma

Why is crunchyroll so opposed to hard downloads of anime titles? Is this part of the agreement with the distributor or something decided within the company?

slug_man3 karma

You seem to find a lot of the problems in games, and play through them pretty quickly. Are you some sort of ex-expert gamer, or a previous beta tester?

Perhaps, you're an XXXpert gamer?

slug_man2 karma

How does it feel getting paid to reddit now that your comrades left, Noun?

slug_man2 karma

Thanks for the AMA!

I was arguing with a few friends over how the Russians play out in CoH2, and they argued they're like the Imperial Guard, while I was arguing more for Dark Eldar because of the boats thing and how Russians can quickly get out a scout car that carries units.

My question is, when designing the factions, did you model them after any of the Warhammer 40k factions? I imagine that since your studio does both titles that there is likely some crossover.

slug_man1 karma

Hi Sean! Thank you so much for this and previous AMAs. I’ve always enjoyed being part of the day knights because I felt like I was learning a lot of games and game creation. One thing in particular that always fascinated me and a game developer friend of mine was the concept of “flow,”) and I’d like your opinion on it.

In your 100th daily you refer to an out-of-body experience where you are so concentrated on what you’re doing that you feel like you’re having an out-of-body experience and everything happens automatically. Having had similar experiences myself, a friend of mine has been attempting to recreate it in puzzle games he creates and has me test them, in an effort to see if it’s something that can just happen.

Have you ever had this experience again spontaneously in starcraft 2 or other games you have played? Have you perhaps tried to make allowances for something like this to occur in the game you’re currently creating or have created?

Sorry if this question is a little out there, but we’ve found that it sometimes occurs in MMOs, even though the challenge didn’t appear to be very high.