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smokespirit7 karma

how do you see the future of such venues??

I'm not a concert going venue person but your always hearing of a "legendary venue" closing etc where xyz played in the 60's etc

how do you personally see the future of not just not your venue but others like this?

smokespirit2 karma

Thanks for the reply!

I actually noticed the whole 12 band thing your talking about. at the moment the UK is coming up to festival season - loads of bands playing over a weekend in a park eg Glastonbury style

whilst i'm sure as you said some smaller bands will appriciate playing in a big stage you have to wonder just how much coverage they get and how much they remain in the public's mind when the public have bought a ticket where across the top is U2 or rolling stones. surely that main event at the end of the gig is what is going to be remembered.

I used to do security at a small concert venue in manchester, UK and they would do what your suggesting - have an above average band headline and then 3-4 local bands support.

the average band would get much more dedicated fans and the smaller bands who could never get on a major festival card get practice and exposure to fans who listen to similar music.

Like i said i'm not a big concert man myself but doing security i got to listen to groups who i thought sounded great but would never had heard from otherwise. NYPC (new young pony club) was one who have not really hit big time but when they were live i really liked their style and sound. had they played a festival card there would be no way they'd have stuck in my mind.

there's a smaller town near to me and the local live music venue has just announced its closure and its a shame as so many local bands would get exposure there even if its just for 100 people but now they're not getting anything. (http://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/news/10572400.Last_independent_live_music_venue_in_Blackburn_set_to_close/)

i wish you well for the future and hope the future isnt as bleak for live venues as it is in my mind.

smokespirit1 karma

Are there any times where you regret skateboarding?

How did u get over the dark times so far?

smokespirit1 karma

Any personal scary experiences where you thought WTF just happened?!