Highest Rated Comments

snigglebyte38 karma

They don't dilate, so I just look like I have a big pupil 24/7.

I am extremely shortsighted, I can see long distance, but the further away things are the less detail they have. Because of that, I will never drive unfortunately.

I was teased considerably, mainly because I squint a lot to block out glare so teasing revolved around that mostly. In the classroom I had a small pair of binoculars to see the board with if I couldn't see properly. I hated sitting up the front so they got a lot of use! I started typewriting lessons in year 6 in the event I went blind I could still touch type.

snigglebyte20 karma

  • Girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do..
  • We'll never know ;)

Hotbot, best thing I've heard all week!

snigglebyte13 karma

No offense taken! I think it looks pretty cool too.

My current vision is 6/18 in my left eye, 6/24 in the right. The surgery actually improved the vision in the right eye from 6/18 to 6/24.

snigglebyte13 karma

Very much so, I squint to block out as much light/glare as possible, and wear sunglasses when outside, even in winter.

snigglebyte13 karma

I've been thinking about a career change, this could be the way to go.