Highest Rated Comments

snwebb8834 karma

Have you ever for any reason thought that investigating into that subject is dangerous? i would certainly hope not but curious about your take on it.

snwebb889 karma

makes sense, i went and looked at my google activity and its pretty crazy how much they know about me and where ive been...certainly something to be aware of and try to prevent at least some of it. they certainly are very non-descript about what that data is being used for.

snwebb881 karma

Im a HUGE fan of the movie Cool Runnings and of course i've read somewhat about the history of it all, but I was just curious what your perception of the movie is compared to how things really went down in real life?

snwebb881 karma

I had figured that it was not nearly as funny in real life. Well I'm glad that you all persevered!