Highest Rated Comments

so_I_says_to_mabel7 karma

Completely missing the point.

so_I_says_to_mabel3 karma

An articulate response to a complex situation!

so_I_says_to_mabel2 karma

No, not even close. Don't buy the way the OP sold what he did. He basically worked on a glorified worksheet prepared by a NASA scientist. No one at NASA is entrusting a High School student with ANYTHING of relevance. You just need to work hard and actually pursue every opportunity at your dream, get into a relevant college program, look for graduate advisers that already have a relationship with NASA.

so_I_says_to_mabel1 karma

No, just aware of how science works and unhappy with how many lower level scientists tend to portray themselves. None of them are actually geniuses, they just work hard and pursued interesting opportunities.

I (and other scientists) worry it keeps people intimidated by science.

so_I_says_to_mabel0 karma

he's young, that doesn't mean you can't take him seriously.

I am aware, and I am taking him seriously, hence why I felt it was appropriate to be critical.

Appreciate that he's trying, and for the good of others, mainly.

I do, and I've even stated that elsewhere.

He's not selling social media sites for billions of digital dollars, he's building fucking rockets.

I accept that, but it doesn't change the fact his original statements talked about him developing a product in such a way I felt he was representing that he essentially conceptualized and developed something as a high school senior for NASA. This simply would never happen at NASA, I have collaborators there and I can assure you, even their post-docs are well supervised.

The claim that he has read all of the back literature is simply laughable, ask anyone who has a scientific background. I honestly believe he thinks he has, because when you lack experience the main thing you lack is exposure to the field.