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soap_dispencer12 karma

Stephen Levin and his team with Freakanomics made a compelling case towards the prevalence of cheating, or yaocho, in the sport of sumo. Do you have any comment on this?

soap_dispencer2 karma

Imagine you and your three closest friends are taking refuge from the apocalypse. This particular shelter has all of the survival supplies (food, water, fuel, etc.) to last for 5 years, however all those supplies take up the entire storage and living space of the shelter with the exception of a single shelf large enough to hold 5 board games. Which games do you choose?

Edit: Assume you have a deck of cards in your pocket. Also, there is a chance that any game you do not save will be destroyed and erased from history by said apocalypse.

soap_dispencer2 karma

To be fair, the only wrong answer would have been Monopoly. After the first day you would end up being trapped in a room with 3 other people who all now hate each other for 5 years. That is what Monopoly does to friendships.