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sojalemmi14 karma

So you were raised being told you were a boy and your whole life you had an "opening down there"? Did you ever wonder what that opening was, or did you assume everybody had one, or did you always know you were "ambiguous"?

Also, why did your father choose for you to be a boy when you would've had such a tiny little penis? Was it because a son is more sought after in your culture than a daughter or did he think you would have a better life as a boy?

I find it very interesting that your body told you what your dominate sex was, and it was discovered that you have XX chromosomes, while in the west we have people who try to claim whether or not a person is male or female is all in their head, like it is something for them to decide for themselves and act like biology plays no role. If the choice was all yours, do you think you would've followed your body's cues and gone female, or done something to stay male?

Thank you for this AMA, very interesting.

sojalemmi8 karma

Good point. It is because upper body strength is not the only physical difference. The entire physical spectrum is different. In general men have more stamina, endurance, muscle strenght, faster reaction times...basically men dominate physically. Women's bodies are built for different strengths, this is biology. And not only is the male and female body different, but the male and female mind is different as well.

And to any crazy leftists out there who want to disagree with me, fine, but you can't have it both ways. If you are gonna try to say there is not a difference between a male and a female brain, then you have to explain to me where transsexuals come from. Why would a person feel they need to transition if men and women are the same thing? Why would it matter? If you try to say male and female brains are the same, they you would basically be forced to also conclude that trans people are just straight up crazy/delusional. So which is it?